OEM Audio Plus

Dealer Application

Take the Next Step

We are looking for people who share our passion. Our team is always searching for strong partners who share our passion. We’re dedicated to making each relationship a success.

To serve you best, please tell us a bit about your business:


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Dealer Address(Required)
Will you be outfitting a company vehicle with an O+ Sound Solution?(Required)
(We use geo location to help steer customers directly to your shop so having a system to demo helps close the sale). We offer discounts to help with setting up a company demo vehicle.
Can you offer flat rates on O+ installations? (Seasoned installers can have a full system installed in 3-4 hours. This also helps us streamline and give accurate quotes to potential customers on your behalf, and take away the guesswork. If Yes, please communicate to our team the amount so we can help drive business in your door.
Are you currently doing installations for car dealers?(Required)